Struggling with academics due to personal problems in my life, I was unable to attend school for most of my adolescence and had to take the GED in Korea to graduate middle and high school. With several scholarships and financial support from kind relatives, I was able to move to the US over four years ago with the dream of becoming a veterinarian of exotic animals. Living outside of your native country can be a real challenge, especially when you have trouble with the language. With my limited English, I had a difficult time with classes as well as socializing with other students. But with dedication and hard work, I was eventually able to excel academically and become the vice president of Irvine Valley College. As the chair of the Inter-Club Council at IVC, I often met international students who reminded me that I’m not alone in my troubles. Through SHISAS, I hope to assist in eliminating some of the barriers that international students face during their time in the US. One fun fact about me is that my nonhuman family consists of two dogs, an Asian water monitor, four iguanas, two reticulated pythons, and a fully grown tortoise the size of a small crib.